"সুন্দরবন আদিবাসী মুন্ডা সংস্থা (সামস)"
“Sundarban Adibashi Munda Sangstha (SAMS) "
☞ Centuries and centuries of caste discrimination have reduced the 45 tribal groups living in Bangladesh to a life of deprivation and humiliation. And this to such an extent that today’s tribal people (adibashi) are confined to a sort of handicapped existence where induced superstition and social discrimination have undermined their own strength, cultural values and traditions. At the margins of main stream society, the adibashi of Bangladesh often live at sub-human level. The Munda are one of the 45 tribal groups referred to above. Known by different names, they are often referred to, derogatively, as untouchable, kuli, sordar. scheduled caste, forest people, etc. Illiteracy, dire poverty, malnutrition etc. are some of the problems they suffer from. These have on the other hand given rise to another series of social problems like alcoholism and children marriage etc. SAMS was created in 2003 with the precise intent to do something for the Munda and bring them into mainstream development. Made up by young Munda people, SAMS dreams of an equal and just society where the Munda people may occupy an honoured place recognised in their cultural diversity, worthy and active citizens of Bangladesh. SAMS believes that freedom from exploitation at all levels may come about only if the Munda themselves get organised in a spirit of solidarity. SAMS may thus be the beginning of the Munda’s re-birth to a full human life. SAMS has got the permission from Social Welfare Ministry in 2008 and its Reg. No is Sat-975/08
krishnapada Munda
Executive Director
☞ • Around 80% of Bangladeshis live in rural areas. Most of this large population lives in poor and less educated societies. The objective of this organization is to raise awareness of the development of this poor class and to guide them towards economic freedom and to create a social and human dignity such as the large population which can find ways to earn income individually.
• With the coordinated development strategy of one or more activities, the country’s poorly-deprived poor unemployed people will be deprived of the knowledge of the community and the development of quality of life of the backward and backward communities.
• To coordinate and coordinate work with government and domestic and foreign volunteers or organizations.
• Implementation and implementation of various activities / projects that are useful for the socio-economic development of poor and disabled people in the villages and cities, and also take several steps to establish social dignity including education and health services.
• Keep a variety of awareness programs to preserve biodiversity in the area.
• To release illiterate people from the curse of illiteracy through letter knowledge and to provide practical education with primary education and adult education for children, relevant approval for non-formal education. Grant scholarship to meritorious students and provide free educational material for the meritorious and meritorious students.